
MArch Design for Performance and Interaction

Design for performance and interaction is a novel interdisciplinary programme which invites students from a wide range of artistic and technical backgrounds. There are very few institutions that offer anything similar, and none that are set among the range of related programmes which The Bartlett School of Architecture also hosts.

The core of the programme is the belief that the creation of spaces for performance and the creation of performances within them are symbiotic design activities. Design using interactive technologies enables us to consider objects, space, people and systems as potential performers.

Design for performance and interaction has relevance across spatial and urban design, interface and systems design, auditoria and scenographic design, lighting and sound installation, performance and event design and virtual and physical environments that draw people together.

At The Bartlett School of Architecture we believe this provides an unprecedented opportunity for informed, skilled and trans-disciplinary designers to define, and also deliver, spaces and systems for performance and interaction in the 21st century.