Ali Wade (UK)

Meditative, laptopless electronic ruminations from UK late bloomer Ali Wade, that ebb and flow like natural processes of evolution, growth and decay.
British producer Ali Wade released his debut album ‘Geomorphology’, a beautiful serene work of cosmic analog experimentations, on his label Frequency Domain in 2016. In spite of this recent debut, Wade is somewhat of a quiet veteran of the electronic music scene in the west of the UK.
DJ’ing in the mid and late 90s at legendary techno nights like House of God and Atomic Jam, he went on to start Bristol’s Toxic Dancehall nights and co-running AV platform Language. He established Overload Magazine in 1999, leading to Overload Media, one of the first web forums for electronic music. 2005 saw the first release of his own music, under the alias of Uberdog on Actress’ Werk Discs label and Mat Carter’s Varial Records. Since then, he branched out as a photographer and film maker, leading to an ongoing audiovisual collaboration project with Anthony Child a.k.a. Surgeon.