Paul Prudence (UK)

Music & performance
Fri 12 May, 23:10
De Brakke Grond

A universe slowly evolving and expanding. ‘The Mylar Topology’ is a meditative, panoramic performance piece that shows an amorphous zone of bubbling liquid deformation, scored by binaural drones.

Inspired by American film maker Ira Cohen’s hallucinatory masterpiece ‘The Invasion of Thunderbold Pagoda’, Prudence uses Mylar polyester film sheets to create otherworldly visual effects that refer both to the beginning of the galaxy and to microscopic evolution. Subtle alchemical transmutations in sound and images entrance and entrain the brain.


Paul Prudence is an creates cinematic multidisciplinary works and has performed in art galleries and AV festivals all over the world. Prudence has written for the weblog Dataisnature, exploring the historical and contemporary interrelationships between natural processes, computational systems and procedural-based art practices, and writes for Neural and HOLO magazines.